Saturday, October 4, 2014

Dijon Mustard...Homemade!!!!

I've been buying Dijon Mustard at the store for years!  I finally made my's fabulous!  And sooooo easy to do, too!


1 Cup of Brown Mustard Seed

1 Cup of Water (approx, you made need more or less, depending on how thick you like your mustard)
1 tsp of Turmeric
1-2 TBL Apple Cider Vinegar
Pinch of Salt

Mix all the ingredients together in a high speed blender or a Magic Bullet.  I like using the Magic Bullet for this, as it is easier.

***As the ingredients mix together, keep an eye on it and check it often.  Keep it as grainy or creamy as you like.  I love to have some of the gives dishes a little more umph!!


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