Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Martha Stewart's Apple Crisp!

I have made Apple Crisp in the past, but I found this recipe from Martha Stewart to be exceptional!

I enjoyed this with a cup of fresh roasted Colombian/Costa Rican coffee - in a French Press.  Yum!

If you like coffee, this combination is extraordinary.  I roast my own coffee from Green Coffee beans.  It really is an experience to have a fresh roasted cup of coffee!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Kale, Black Eyed Peas in Thai Yellow Curry Sauce

Kale, Black Eyed Peas in Thai Yellow Curry Sauce

A local restaurant had a kale and Thai coconut dish.  It was very good, but I wanted something more exotic and tasty.  Thus…this super, easy recipe!

I bought a bottle of Thai Yellow Curry Sauce from Trader Joe’s.  If you don’t have a Trader Joe’s near you, you can substitute it with a similar sauce found in your local grocery or Asian Market.

I’ve used fresh kale and frozen.  The frozen is just as good…I recommend it.  However, if you use fresh kale, you’ll want to remove the leaves from the stems, rinse thoroughly, chop and simmer in water until soft (about 20-25 minutes) then add it to the dish.

I serve this with Quinoa.  Quinoa is a fabulous replacement for rice!

Suggestion:  I sauté the dry seasonings with the onions, as it releases the oils and the dish is more flavorful.


Kale (about 2 generous handfuls)
Red Pepper (half chopped)
Onion (small onion, chopped)
Sliced Mushrooms (1-2 cups)
1 can Black Eyed Peas (rinsed, well in cold water)
1-2 cloves of Garlic
1-2 Table spoons of Soy or Tamari Sauce
Coconut Oil
Toasted coconut for garnish
Seasonings:  Paprika, Chili Powder, Red Pepper flakes, Basil, Vindaloo Curry (or another exotic curry, if you have it)

Add 2-3 Table spoons of coconut oil to a hot cast iron pan.  Add the onions, red pepper, garlic and the dry seasonings.  Sauté until soft.  Add the Thai Curry sauce, Kale and black eyed peas stir.  Cook for 2-3 minutes, add the mushrooms.  

If it is too thick, add some water so it will be the consistency of a very thick soup or chili.
Garnish with toasted coconut.  Serve with Quinoa!

**Quinoa is easy to make.  1.5 cups of water to 1 cup of rice.  Put water in a pan, when it comes to a boil, add the rinsed quinoa, stir, cover and cook at low heat for 20 minutes.  Check every couple of minutes, when it absorbs the water, fluff with a fork.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Grilled Artichokes!

Grilled Artichokes

If you’ve never eaten fresh artichokes, here’s an easy recipe AND...How to eat them, if you haven’t ever eaten a whole one!

I like buying 2 Fresh Artichokes per person.  They serve as a fantastic appetizer.

Preparing the Artichokes:

Cut the stem off at the bottom of the artichoke, then take off the first couple of leaves.  Slice the artichoke in half (length wise).  This is the hardest part of the cleaning – with a spoon, 

scrape out the purple leafs and fibrous tissue (the choke) in the bottom/middle of the artichoke.  Rinse with cold water and clean the remaining artichokes.

Place them in a pot of boiling water, salted water for about 20-25 minutes.  You’ll know when they are done when the leaf will pull off, taste the bottom, it should be soft.

Remove and pat dry.  Place the artichokes, leaf side down, so that the meat part is showing.  Season with pepper, chili powder, garlic granules, and salt. 

Pre-heat (medium-high heat) a cast iron pan and place some coconut oil in the pan.  Place the artichokes, meat side down in the pan.  Grill until browned, remove and let cool.

If it’s grilling season…these go great on a grill outside!

I like to make a dipping sauce.  Get my recipe for Vegan Mayonnaise on my blog.  Mix some chili powder, worchestire sauce, Pepper and hot sauce with some of the mayo….YUM!

How to eat an Artichoke…

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dog Biscuits...HOMEMADE!

Dog Biscuits - Homemade…Your Dog will love them!

These are so easy to make, much less expensive than buying dog treats at the store.  For some unknown reason, when I am baking them, my dogs know it’s for them!

This is Sadie and Radar!  Both are Rescues...YES..They rescued me!  Great Dogs!

Pre-heat the oven to 375°


2 cups of Flour
3 TB of Peanut Butter
1 cup of Cooked Chicken, Turkey or Pork

Place all the ingredients, except the water in a food processor.  Blend together.  Start adding some water, about ¼ cup while processing.  Add just enough water until the mixture starts to form a ball of dough.

Remove the dough, cut in half and place one half onto a floured surface.  Roll this out at about ¼” thick, use a cookie cutter or the rim of a small glass or cup, and make the biscuits.  

Place the biscuits on a parchment lined baking pan, bake for 25-30 minutes until the biscuits start to brown.  Remove and place them on a cooling rack.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Key Lime Pie - I dare you to taste the difference!

Yes, I dare you to taste the difference!

Key Lime Pie

I love Key Lime Pie!!!  So I made a non-dairy, low fat version.  I dare you to taste the difference!  You can make it with the ingredients listed or make it totally Vegan by substituting margarine for the butter and totally vegan ginger cookies.

I like using the ginger snaps from Trader Joe’s – as they have pieces of ginger in them.  However, I’ve also used totally vegan ginger snaps that I bought from the health food store and the Pie turns out great with both of these substitutions as well!

I don’t use a whipped cream on top.  It’s high in fat and it’s dairy.  You can ad that if you wish, but the Pie really doesn’t need it…in my opinion.

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees


1 box of ginger snap cookies
1 half stick of butter or margarine
1 lb package of firm tofu
½ cup of Key Lime Juice (easily found at the supermarket, don’t use regular lime juice, it won’t come out the same)
1 cup of Maple Sugar (I order mine on line)
1 7” or 9” Pie Plate


Place the cookies in a food processor.  Process until ground down, add the butter, grind until it is thoroughly mixed. Remove to the Pie Plate and press down to form the crust.  Set aside.

In a high speed blender (Vitamix is incredible), place the tofu, key lime juice and maple sugar).  Start to process slowly, add the speed until mixed thoroughly and smooth.  Pour into the ginger snap crust.

Place in the oven for approximately 25 minutes, just until the mixture gels firmly and the crust browns (it will harden when cooled).  Keep an eye on the baking, and don’t let the crust to get black or burn.

Remove, let cool.  Once cooled, cover the pie with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tasty, spiced Faux Nuts

Tasty, spiced Faux Nuts

This is an easy way to enjoy a spicy treat…just like nibbling on nuts, but without the fat!  Also, great if you have a nut allergy.


2 Cans of Chick Peas
Spices (Chili Powder, Granulated Garlic, Basil, Dash of Cayenne Pepper, Dash of Salt, Pepper, Basil) All mixed together
Coconut Oil

Rinse the Chick Peas under cold water until the foam disappears (this is a good way to start with any Chick Pea recipe, this reduces gas!)

In a large bowl, place the Chick Peas, add the spice mixture and mix well.  Add about ¼ cup of the Coconut Oil, mix.

In a large, heated, Cast Iron Skillet, cook the beans until they are crisp.

At this point, they make a great snack!   

But I take it one step further…This is really cool!

Place the cooked chick peas on a plate to cool.  When cooled, place them in a Dehydrator – on high for a few hours, until dried and crispy.  Add a little more seasoning, if you wish and ENJOY!

This is the Excallibur Dehydrator that I use...

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Extra Rich BBQ Sauce

Extra Rich BBQ Sauce

This is my recipe for an, easy, easy Rich BBQ Sauce!  I use this sauce on my BBQ Tofu.  It is absolutely phenomenal!  And…soooo tasty!

Brew your favorite coffee.  I use Colombian, which is my favorite.  Whatever is left over from the morning, I put it in a container, put in the refrigerator the day I am going to make the BBQ Sauce.  If you have no left over, just brew 1-2 cups.


Brewed Coffee
Store bought BBQ Sauce

Pour about 1-1 1/2 cups of the coffee in a pan.  Add 2-3 Tablespoons of Honey (I use local Honey, not the store brand…just my preference).

Cook this at a medium heat and let it thicken some.  Add 1-2 cups of the BBQ Sauce (I like using an all-natural BBQ Sauce.  Use your favorite one!

Stir with a Whisk until its smooth, cook for 5 minutes over medium heat.


Brush or spoon over your favorite Veggie (chicken or meat if you eat that).  Broil or bake for about 5 minutes until bubbly.