Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Grilled Brussel Sprouts...Tasty!

Grilled Brussel Sprouts

This is a great way to have a vegetable that many people don’t like.  You can also use the same recipe to grill Asparagus…another veggie that some don’t care for.


Fresh Brussel Sprouts (8-10)
¼ cup Olive Oil
1-2 TBL spoons of Soy Sauce
1-3 Cloves of Garlic – chopped

In a large bowl, add all the ingredients, except the Olive Oil.  Whisk together.  Then slowly add the Olive Oil – while whisking.  This will emulsify the marinade.  Set aside.

Clean the Sprouts, by cutting off the end, removing loose leaves, rinse with cold water and pat dry. 

Toss the sprouts in the marinade, to coat well.

Two options to cook:

1.      Grill on a grill.  Watch carefully and turn in about 1 minute, grill on the other side until done.

2.      I often use a Cast Iron Pan…This pan gets hot, almost as good as the grill!  The key is that you have to make sure the pan is hot before you add the Sprouts, otherwise they may over cook.

The Key on cooking either the Sprouts or Asparagus is NOT TO OVER COOK THEM!  They should have a little crunch.


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