Friday, September 5, 2014

New Book...Steve Black's Healthy Eating Tips!

Finally...I have completed all the revisions, additions, etc. for my new book...

"Steve Black's Healthy Eating Tips!"

I have been trying to eat healthy for years.  That includes cutting out red meats, 95% oils, fried foods, sugar, etc.  

Over the years, I have developed many recipes, mostly vegetarian, that have gotten rave reviews from guests!  I even have one person who has asked that when I make meals at home, send her a platter and she would pay me!

I have shared, in this book, several of the kitchen appliances that I use and recommend, as well as cooking with little or no fat.  In addition, I have provided lots of facts about fats and oils (something we should stay away from!  Read what I said in the cookbook, some very interesting facts.

I have included the first few pages of the cookbook...just for my bloggers!

Look for a Special Offer in the next week!  But for now, here's a short preview.

A healthy diet begins at home and with proper knowledge and technique it is easy to ensure that you and your family lives a healthy lifestyle that facilitates good health for a long life.
There are different facets to healthy cooking, all with their own goals:
·       Low Fat/Heart Health
·       Low Carb
·       Low Cholesterol (Synonymous with Heart Health)
·       Low Calorie
·       Low Sodium
·       Low Sugar
It is common for these categories to interlace, and it’s also typical of people to choose from more than one category.
No matter the specific goals people might have, one thing that should concern everyone is heart health and healthy weight management. 

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”  …Thomas Edison
Why A Healthy Diet Is Important

There are several reasons why a healthy diet is important.
The first is the fact that when you eat healthy you have the proper energy to live life. This energy extends to the senior years, keeping you vibrant and healthy even as you age.
Second and most important is that a healthy diet supports a healthy life and the avoidance of many life threatening health conditions, and diseases and premature death.

Obesity And Overweight Statistics

According to the World Health Organization, the numbers of worldwide obesity have doubled from 15% to 30% in the last couple of years.
According to the Food Research and Action Center more than 2/3 of U.S. adults are overweight or obese in 2014.
According to research published in the American Journal Of Public Health, obesity related conditions account for about 18% of all deaths in the United States.
According to, more than ¼ of health care costs are caused by obesity related conditions.
And, the World Health Organization reports that 44% of diabetes, 23% of heart disease and between 7% and 41% of certain cancers are attributed to obesity and overweight.

Heart Disease Statistics

According to the Center For Disease Control, approximately 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States each year, that's a total of 1 in every 4 deaths.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death with heart attacks killing about 720,000 people each year.
About 49% of Americans have the 3 biggest risk factors for heart attack:
·       High Blood Pressure
·       Smoking
·       High LDL Cholesterol
Diabetes, overweight and obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise and too much alcohol are also risk factors for heart disease.
Both heart health and healthy weight management start in your own kitchen. And when you have kids it's crucial to live by example and teach them healthy habits that they will learn and follow for life. This is even more crucial when conditions such as, Diabetes, obesity and heart disease run in your family.
Many times people think about their diet when it's too late, such as, after a heart attack, or after a diagnosis of clogged arteries or when they are diagnosed as pre-diabetic as a result of obesity.

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